Join Maggie McHugh, retired Forest Service geologist and Al Collinet, enthusiastic amateur botanist on an exploration of the starkly serpentine landscape near Vulcan Lake in the Kalmiopsis Wilderness and search for the Kalmiopsis flower in bloom. Maggie will explain the ultramafic rocks and the unique characteristics of the area including the Gardner Mine. For an in-depth look at the geology of the area, sign up for Maggie’s geology lecture on Thursday, June 4, 2015. Al will be armed with a copy of the Forest Service Plant List for the Kalmiopsis Wilderness. Come and find out about this beginners key to the conifers of our area. The hike is a four mile loop with a 1000 feet elevation gain. Some sections are on rocks so a walking stick and gloves are recommended. Wear sturdy hiking shoes, bring a lunch and water. Be prepared for the weather. Travel time to the trailhead is about 2 hours. High clearance vehicles are required. Hikers will meet at Southwestern Oregon Community College in Brookings, 96082 Lone Ranch Parkway, at 8:30am. There is no cost for the Saturday hike. The lecture is scheduled for Thursday, June 4 from 6:00 to 8:00pm. There is a charge of $15.00 for the Thursday lecture at the Curry Campus in Brookings. For more information or to register for these classes, call the college in Brookings at 541-469-5017.