CHM release – The August 1st First Tuesday Talk will take place from 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM in person at the museum in the Sprague Gallery. Seating is limited to 75 participants. Doors to the museum will open from 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM. Oregon has a world-class long-distance hiking trail that spans the coast from the Columbia River to the California border, one that now draws hikers from around the country and even abroad. Its existence owes much to visionary Oregonians who, beginning more than a century ago, conserved the coast for public use. But people have been walking some version of the Oregon Coast Trail as long as there have been people on this coast. Find out about how you can hike part or all of this epic trail—you probably already have—and scientists’ best guesses about just how long it has been in use by humans. Registration opens six weeks before the program. You can register in person at the museum or over the phone by calling 541-756-6320. Walk-ins are always welcome! CHM Member: If you are a current CHM member, this program is free* to you. [Note*: Number of free entries depends on membership level.] Non-Member In-Person: If you are a non-member joining us in person, the price is $7. Bonnie Henderson is a journalist and the author of three hiking guidebooks from Mountaineers Books and two nonfiction books from Oregon State University Press focused mainly on the Oregon Coast. Her varied career has included newspaper and magazine writing and editing, communications for land trusts, and creating interpretive signage for parks and wildlife refuges. In addition to her most recent guidebook, Hiking the Oregon Coast Trail, she is the author of Day Hiking: Oregon Coast and co-author of Best Hikes with Kids: Oregon. She is also the author of the critically acclaimed The Next Tsunami: Living on a Restless Coast and Strand: An Odyssey of Pacific Ocean Debris, which was listed as a Best Book of 2008 by the Seattle Times and was a finalist for the 2009 Oregon Book Awards.