Fish and Wildlife Commission meets June 9-10 in Salem to set big game hunting regulations and approve proposed 2017-19 budget, June 9

The Fish and Wildlife Commission will meet Thursday and Friday, June 9-10 at the ODFW Headquarters in Salem, 4034 Fairview Industrial Drive SE. Thursday’s meeting is from 1 – 5 p.m., and Friday’s meeting begins at 8 a.m. See the day’s agendas at On Thursday, the Commission is expected to: Adopt 2016 fall controlled hunt tag numbers and 2017 big game hunting regulations including 2017 tag numbers. Proposed changes to 2017 regulations include: Define edible parts of game mammals to provide clarity for hunters and law enforcement. Allow the sale of taxidermy mounts by individuals who legally harvested the animal. Currently, taxidermy mounts can only be sold as part of an estate. Charge a $25 processing fee for up to five mounts, $5 per mount after. Adopt a controlled hunt application change fee of $25. The first change would be free, but each change afterwards would cost $25 due to administrative costs and staff time required to make adjustments. Hunters may change their controlled hunt choices until June 1 each year. Allow additional big game hunting at Ladd Marsh Wildlife Area (archery and shotguns only). Close parts of Wenaha and White River Wildlife Areas during the winter to reduce disturbance to big game (Wenaha closure Jan. 1-March 31, White River Dec. 1 – March 31). There are also some minor changes to 2016 regulations, including the ending of the Rickreall TMA due to large landowner withdrawing from the project. Adopt final rules for Division 44 Protected Wildlife, Holding and Propagation Rules which were developed to protect Oregon’s wildlife and regulate the holding of amphibians, reptiles and other non-game wildlife. ODFW staff originally briefed the Commission on these rules in March and based on public and Commission input, have modified the recommendations for holding raccoons and pet skunk. For more information regarding the rules see Exhibit A materials. Adopt furbearer hunting and trapping regulations for July 2016-June 2018 seasons. The only change ODFW is proposing from current regulations is to restrict trapping activity within 500 feet of Oregon’s wildlife crossing structures along Hwy 97 south of Bend. Mule deer and elk management objectives: ODFW will brief the Commission on review of these population goals for Oregon’s big game populations. Any agenda items that have not been concluded by 5 p.m. Thursday will be considered on Friday, along with the following issues: 2017-19 ODFW budget: The Commission will be asked to approve the budget which will then be submitted to the Governor for her consideration and ultimately decided by the 2017 State Legislature. The goal of the budget proposal is to align the agency’s activities with funding sources. No major changes to the budget are being proposed and the budget does not include any new increases in fees for recreational or commercial licenses. Access and Habitat (A and H) and Restoration and Enhancement (R and E) programs: The Commission will be asked to approve A and H and R and E projects, decide on 2017 auction and raffle tag allocations, and appoint a Hunter Representative to the State A and H Board. The A and H program opens access to private land for hunters and improves wildlife habitat, while the R and E program improves fisheries and provides more public access to fishing waters. Commercial Coastal pelagic species fisheries: The Commission will set commercial fishery regulations for Pacific sardine and Pacific mackerel and other pelagic species based on federal recommendations. Public testimony for topics not on the agenda will be held first thing Friday morning, just after the adoption of temporary rules. Persons seeking to testify on issues not on the formal agenda may do so by making arrangements with the ODFW Director’s Office, at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting, by calling 800-720-6339 or 503-947-6044. Reasonable accommodations will be provided as needed for individuals requesting assistive hearing devices, sign language interpreters or large-print materials. Individuals needing these types of accommodations may call the ODFW Director’s Office at 800-720-6339 or 503-947-6044 at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. The Commission is the policy-making body for fish and wildlife issues in the state and it usually meets monthly.