Forestry Board Members Reappointed, March 1

The Oregon Legislature has reappointed three Board of Forestry members to four-year terms. Cindy Deacon Williams (Medford), Nils Christoffersen (Enterprise) and Tom Insko (La Grande) will begin their second terms March 1, 2016, and serve through Feb. 29, 2020. The seven-member citizen board is appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the state senate. The mission of the board is to lead Oregon in implementing policies and programs that promote sustainable management of Oregon’s public and private forests. Primary responsibilities include: – Supervise all matters of forest policy within Oregon; – Appoint the State Forester; – Adopt rules regulating forest practices; – Provide general Supervision of the State Forester’s duties in managing the Oregon Department of Forestry. The term of office is four years and no member may serve more than two consecutive full terms. The State Forester serves as secretary to the Board. Cindy Deacon Williams is a consulting fisheries biologist with 30 years of service in state and federal government and in the non-profit world. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Oregon State University and a master’s degree from California State University in Sacramento, both in biological sciences. Tom Insko is president of Eastern Oregon University. Prior to accepting that position in July 2015, he was Region Manager for Boise Cascade’s inland region. He holds degrees in mathematics and business economics from Eastern Oregon University and a master’s of business administration from the College of William and Mary in Virginia. Nils D. Christoffersen currently serves as executive director of the non-profit, Wallowa Resources, based in Enterprise. He holds a bachelor’s degree with honors in economics from Williams College in Massachusetts, and a master’s degree in forestry and land use from Oxford University in Oxford, England. More information about the Board of Forestry can be found on the web,