Fourth Annual Adopt-A-Grandparent, Nov. 10

I am excited to announce that I am sponsoring the Fourth Annual Bay Area “Adopt-A-Grandparent” program again this holiday season! This is designed to give gifts to residents at local facilities in my hometown area. These people are often forgotten around the holidays and have few, if any visitors and receive little, if anything during the holidays. Donations of $30 sponsor a resident with a gift that includes a Mint Bliss Energizing Lotion for Feet & Legs, Hand Cream, socks, a plush stuffed animal, packaged in a festive holiday stocking giving these residents some much needed joy! These items benefit the residents in several ways – soothing their hands & feet; the “touch therapy” of having the creams applied; comfort from the soft, warm socks; the feeling of contentment having something as simple as a plush stuffed animal to hug; enjoyment of a festive holiday stocking to decorate their door or room; and the pure enjoyment interacting with young adults that personally deliver them. All gift sets are assembled by local beauty consultants, delivered by “Santa’s Helpers” (aka NBHS Boys Varsity Basketball Team), and given in the name of the sponsoring business or individual. This year’s goal is to present all 88 men and women residing at Bayside Terrace Assisted Living in Coos Bay and Inland Point Assisted Living in North Bend with a gift. “I plan to personally match every ‘adoption’ so that all of the residents receive something special. It’s a way for me to give back to my hometown community,” Reed shared. Every little bit helps! If you are unable to donate the full amount to Adopt-A-Grandparent, please know that any donation amount is accepted and will be applied to a gift set for a resident. DONATION DEADLINE IS DECEMBER 9th. If you have any questions or would like to participate, please call or text Lisa @ 208-371-3520.