(Douglas County, Ore.) As of noon, Thursday, March 26, 2020, County Public Health Officer, Dr. Bob Dannenhoffer announced one new positive case of COVID-19 in Douglas County to report, bringing the confirmed number of cases in Douglas County to four. Douglas Public Health Network has launched their epidemiology investigation related to the new case, identifying who this individual may have had contact with. Identifying information about the newest case is not being released at this time. Close contacts of the confirmed case will be notified by public health. Currently, there are zero deaths and 139 negative tests for COVID-19 in Douglas County. DPHN has set new online tracking system for test results from Douglas County residents. The goal is to have the chart updated at noon every day. Residents will be able to go on the website and see the tracking of results. Again, as a reminder for patient safety, they will not be releasing any identifying information of those that had testing done, or those that have tested positive. If a case comes back positive after that time, DPHN will announce it with a press release and updating their website, until further notice. Go to the DPHN website to view the update: www.douglaspublichealthnetwork.org.