Frasier seeks Re-election, Dec. 16

Coos Co. District Attorney R. Paul Frasier will seek re-election to another term of office. In a news release dated Dec. 10, Frasier says he is “pleased to announce that I have filed for reelection to continue serving as your District Attorney.” Frasier adds “much has happened in the last four year. Most notably has been the creation of the Kid’s Hope Center under the auspices of Bay Area Hospital. We now have a first rate facility and program to assist the needs of our precious children who have been abused by others.” He also highlights the Victim’s Assistance Program, Child Support Program, “In 2014 the child support program collect over 2,000,000 in owed child support for Coos County kids.” Frasier adds, “Coos County and the State of Oregon are faced with continuing budget issues causing there to be a shortage of not only local jail beds but state wide prison beds. To that end, in conjunction with the Coos County Community Corrections Department and with help from the state Justice Reinvestment Act, I have assigned a full time prosecutor to work with our local probation department to work with offenders who are at risk of re-offending. Make no mistake. There are crimes that by their serious nature of offenders who refuse to comply that will require incarceration as their sentence. But there are offenders, who by giving them a second chance, we can help to develop the skills and abilities to be a productive member of society so that they can break the cycle of recidivism. I look forward to the future and I will be honored if I am reelected to this important position.”