Friday Foreign Film, Aug. 14

The “Friday Foreign Film” series at Coos Bay Public Library continues at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, August 14th. A celebration of family in all of its messy beauty, The Amazing Catfish (Mexico, 2013) is a gorgeously shot, female-driven dramedy. When 22-year-old Claudia, who lives by herself in Guadalajara, ends up in the emergency room with signs of appendicitis, she meets Martha lying on the bed next to her, where they bond over a shared bag of potato chips. After they’re discharged from the hospital, Martha spies Claudia walking home from her surgery and forces her to accept a ride home in her bright yellow Beetle. Always maintaining the best of spirits, Martha welcomes Claudia into her family of four wild children, where she’s quickly able to find her place in the tribe. Sadly, though Martha acts as the strong parental figure of this chaotic household of personalities, she is HIV-positive and slowly dying. As Martha weakens, Claudia’s bond with each family member grows stronger and stronger. With natural and inspired performances all-around, this heartwarming “bedside story” from first-time Mexican director Claudia Sainte-Luce explores the importance of generosity, responsibility, and family. The “Friday Foreign Film” series, sponsored by the Friends of Coos Bay Public Library, is normally held on the second Friday of the month and is free to the public. Many of these films are not rated and parental discretion is advised. For more information call 269-1101.