Funds Available for Transportation Electrification Grants, Dec. 8

Pacific Power release – PORTLAND, Ore. (December 6) – Looking for funds to support grant work? Need help for infrastructure projects in your community? Pacific Power has funds available to support grant writing and grant matching to non-residential customers seeking funds for transportation electrification. Nonprofits, local governments and other non-residential Pacific Power customers in Oregon are encouraged to apply for grant writing support to fund projects that benefit Pacific Power customers. Pacific Power is also pleased to make Electric Vehicle (EV) grant matching support funds available to non-residential customers in Oregon who plan to secure additional funding to support Pacific Power customers with EV-related projects. “We’re committed to helping all Pacific Power customers and communities take advantage of the cost-saving, clean benefits of electric mobility, including in the many rural areas we serve,” said Cory Scott, vice president of community and customer solutions. “The incentives we’re offering show that Pacific Power doesn’t just envision a zero-emission future. We’re building it right now.” Since 2020, Pacific Power has awarded more than $500,000 to support grant matching and this year has awarded $30,000 in grant writing support. Funding awards will cover up to 100% of the project cost. All non-residential Pacific Power customers in Oregon are eligible to apply with preference given to community-focused organizations, such as school and transit districts, 501(c)(3) organizations and city, county, and regional governments. Please visit Grant opportunities ( for more information. Application materials may be submitted to Pacific Power provides customers with much more than just grant matching and grant writing assistance. Going electric has never been easier: Technical Assistance. At no cost, Pacific Power offers support to non-residential customers thinking of installing an electric vehicle charging station. We provide an expert site visit, analysis of electric vehicle technology options, costs, rates, and best practices for managing equipment. See Charging Station & Fleet Planning Technical Assistance ( for more information. Rebates. Once non-residential customers are ready to purchase EV chargers, Pacific Power provides up to $1,000 per charging port, up to a total of 6 ports, to help incentivize adoption. Find more detail on the program here: Oregon rebates for business EV chargers ( Electric Mobility Grants. Pacific Power’s $1.2 million e-mobility grant fund is currently evaluating applications for 2022 and will notify successful recipients soon. The next cycle for e-mobility grants will open in May 2023. Transportation Electrification Planning. This work is just the beginning. Pacific Power hosted road shows across the state this fall to get customer and stakeholder input on where we can help take transportation electrification next. See Oregon Transportation Electrification Planning ( to stay tuned to the next steps in the process.