Future Oregon State Park responses to COVID-19 will be announced online, March 18

SALEM, Oregon – The Oregon State Park system will continue to adapt to the COVID-19 outbreak by limiting park services and events. These changes will happen as new guidance is released by the State of Oregon team and federal Centers for Disease Control, and could affect operating hours for parks, the facilities that are open within a park, and what services staff provide. Rather than issue individual news releases for each change, we will keep a running tally online at https://bit.ly/OPRD-covid and update this page as needed. Please advise your readers and reporters to check this web page for updates before visiting or requesting information from the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. General advice for state park visitors: Getting outdoors is good for the body and mind. When you can, do it, whether it’s a state park or not. If you’re ill, stay home. Cover sneezes and coughs with a tissue (then throw it away) or inside of your elbow. Avoid touching your face. Wash regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. It’s up to you to practice good personal hygiene, and not every place at every park can be kept clean all the time. If place is so crowded you can’t maintain a healthy social distance—at least six feet—find a different place to go. Some parks will see reduced service to trash, restrooms, and other facilities like visitor centers. Visit https://bit.ly/OPRD-covid before you travel to understand how a destination might be affected by reduced services and resources.