Game Bird Hunting Regulations now available: Expanded mountain quail and turkey hunting; new Veteran and Military Waterfowl Hunt Day, July 3

ODFW release – SALEM, Ore.—The Oregon 2020-21 Game Bird Regulations are now available in stores and online at Fall turkey hunters need to be aware of some changes for this season. There are now two tags available for the fall season: general eastern Oregon and general western Oregon. Quotas on the numbers of tags that can be sold have been lifted, though hunters are still limited to two fall turkey tags of which only one may be an eastern Oregon tag. Fall turkey season now runs through the end of January, though eastern Oregon hunters are limited to harvesting birds on private land only beginning Dec. 1. The White River Wildlife Management Unit is now closed to fall turkey hunting, to allow population numbers to recover and provide more opportunity during the popular spring season. (White River WMU is the most popular destination to spring turkey hunt in Oregon.) See the regulations for more details. Other changes include: All eastern Oregon counties are now open to mountain quail hunting with a two-bird bag limit. Hood and Wasco Counties are now included in the eastern Oregon bag limit. The scaup (bluebill) daily bag limit has been reduced to two. A new Veteran and Active Military Personnel Waterfowl Hunt Day is scheduled for Feb. 6, 2021. Other changes in the regulations are shown in highlighted yellow text. Fall turkey tags and 2020-21 Upland Game Bird, Waterfowl, and HIP validations go on sale tomorrow, July 1, online and at ODFW license agents. Hunters who have already purchased a Sports Pac are remined that they need to redeem their vouchers for their Upland Game Bird and Waterfowl Validations before hunting this fall.