The Coos County Master Food Preservers, in collaboration with the Master Gardeners, will once again present the very popular workshop “Garden to Table.” This class will provide information on the steps needed to take your produce (mostly vegetables) from seed to the table. It will cover the basics of planting and growing: growing in a small spaces and containers, vermicomposting (making worms work for you), horizontal gardening, raised beds and tips on year-round gardening. Participants will also learn creative ideas to use what they’ve grown. They’ll learn about opportunities and equipment to use food fresh, store their produce wisely, and how to blanche, freeze, can and dry the fruits of their labor to reduce waste. The workshop is set for Saturday, March 15, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the OSU Extension Service, 631 Alder St., in Myrtle Point. Cost is $10, and preregistration is recommended by calling 541-572-5263, ext. 292.