Tillamook, Ore. – The Fisherman’s Pit area of the Tillamook State Forest will soon only be accessible via walk-in due to repeated and serious safety issues associated with public use. Fisherman’s Pit is located just off Coast Range Road in the Highway 6 corridor about 12 miles east of Tillamook. It is a popular area for target shooting on state forestland, with private homes and property nearby. While most target shooters enjoy their hobby safely and legally, recent illegal and unsafe activity include shooting in the direction of Wilson River Highway, at houses – with bullets striking at least one home – and exploding tannerite, which is illegal on state forestland. Newly-installed gates will block vehicle access to Fisherman’s Pit. However, walk-in access to this area will still be allowed. “When ODF learned live rounds fired off of state forestland were creating an imminent safety risk for neighbors, as a public land manager we had little choice but to take this action,” ODF Tillamook District Forester Kate Skinner said. “Under the circumstances, continuing to allow walk-in access while restricting vehicles was the most effective way to address this vital public safety risk.”