Pacific Power release – CRESCENT CITY, CA (Aug. 24, 2023) – With field crews continuing to work around the clock, Pacific Power has now provided temporary power to more than 10,000 customers in the Crescent City area using large generators, with plans to bring more customers online by Thursday afternoon. Pacific Power’s goal is to provide power to most of Crescent City and surrounding areas by the end of the week. Due to continued wildfire activity in the transmission corridor serving Crescent City, it is currently unsafe to re-energize the transmission line serving the city and surrounding areas. Pacific Power continues to closely monitor all fire activity in the region and will restore power for all customers when it is safe to do so. In addition to the large generators, smaller residential generators have been provided for many of our customers with medical needs, and more will be deployed in the coming days. The distribution and placement of generators has been conducted in close coordination with the Del Norte County Emergency Operations Center (EOC), with priority given to essential services, including the hospital, grocery stores, gas stations, pharmacies, large retail stores, restaurants and hotels, and to provide power to Medical Baseline Program customers. Pacific Power has set up two community resource centers (CRCs) (open 8 a.m. – 10 p.m.) for impacted customers that need assistance (charging electronics, receiving information, water, Wi-Fi, air conditioning, non-perishable snacks, seating, security, etc.). They are located at: Del Norte High School – 1301 El Dorado St, Crescent City; Yurok Tribe – 225 Klamath Blvd, Klamath, CA 95548; Hamburg and Scott Bar, California. Pacific Power brought in a generator that is providing power to approximately 240 customers in Scott Bar, California that are outside the evacuation and fire impacted areas. Repair crews are awaiting permission from emergency services to access 58 customer locations in areas affected by wildfire. Approximately 50 customers in the Hamburg area had power restored when Pacific Power received permission to re-energize the circuit serving that area. Pacific Power has set up a community resource center (CRC) (open 8 a.m. – 10 p.m.) for impacted customers that need assistance (charging electronics, receiving information, water and ice, Wi-Fi, air conditioning, non-perishable snacks, seating, security, etc.). It is located at: 19716 State Hwy 96, Klamath River, California 96050. Pacific Power will closely monitor fire activity in all areas and turn the power back on when it is safe. Customers will receive regular updates on the emergency outage via email and text message.