OPRD release – Oregon Heritage of Oregon Parks and Recreation Department is offering grants for the construction or restoration of veterans and war memorials throughout Oregon. The grant application period is open now and closes March 31, 2023. Local and regional governments and federally recognized Tribes are eligible to apply for funding for monuments placed on publicly-owned properties. Grants may fund up to 80 percent of projects and require a 10 percent match from grant recipients. New monuments should acknowledge veterans and/or wars not already recognized in the community. Restoration projects may address broken monuments, missing elements, and/or additions to existing monuments. Proposals must demonstrate active participation of a veteran organization and community support. A free online workshop about the grant program will be held February 16, 1:00-2:00 p.m. via Zoom. Registration is required. For more information about the Veterans and War Memorials grant and other grant programs, visit https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/gra/pages/gra-overview.aspx.