Great Oregon ShakeOut, Oct. 20

Oregon Dept. of Emergency Management release – WHAT: Earthquakes can strike at any time without warning. When the earth starts to shake, people need to know how to best protect themselves. The Great Oregon ShakeOut is part of a global drill for people to practice how to stay safe during an earthquake. WHO: Over half a million Oregonians have registered to take part in this year’s self-led Great ShakeOut drill, pledging to Drop (or Lock), Cover and Hold On for at least 60 seconds as if a major earthquake was occurring at that moment. WHEN: The Great ShakeOut takes place at 10:20 a.m. on Oct. 20. WHERE: The Great Oregon ShakeOut preparedness drill is happening at schools, businesses, government agencies, homes and more. OEM QUOTES: “The earthquake that struck Linn County on Oct. 7 rattled some folks and was a wake-up call that we live in earthquake country,” said Oregon Emergency Management Director Andrew Phelps. “Knowing what to do when the earth starts shaking helps people reduce their risk and better protect themselves to prepare for earthquakes. Every person in Oregon should practice Drop, Cover and Hold On until it becomes a familiar routine. It’s an effective and no-cost addition to your preparedness plan.” “A Cascadia quake will devastate the entire Pacific Northwest region, impacting critical infrastructure like energy, drinking water and sewer services, transportation routes and lifesaving health-care facilities for weeks to months or longer,” said Phelps. “Knowing this makes it even more important to build a culture of preparedness in the state. Half a million Oregonians practicing earthquake preparedness at the same time is impressive, but it’s not enough. We need to work toward every Oregonian registering for the Great Oregon ShakeOut as an important step toward keeping themselves safe in the event of a Cascadia quake.” NO-COST, LOW-COST PREPAREDNESS STEPS: • Make an emergency plan. • Secure your space by identifying hazards and securing moveable items; • Sign up to receive local emergency alerts at; • Enable Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) on cell phones. People in Oregon, Washington and California who’ve opted into WEA automatically receive ShakeAlert earthquake early warnings notifications (for quakes in their area with a magnitude of 4.5 or greater), which can offer critical seconds of warning to seek cover from falling objects and brace themselves. • Practice Drop, Cover and Hold On until it becomes routine. • OEM’s 2 Weeks Ready program offers several resources in multiple languages to help people prepare.