Harvest Breads, Sept. 10

Harvest Breads will be the topic of the next Master Food Preservers (MFP) workshop at the OSU Extension Service in Myrtle Point. It is harvest time so now is the time to use these wonderful grains. A variety of healthy, hearty breads will be demonstrated and sampled. Vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds will be discussed as healthy additions to delicious breads. We will demonstrate other recipes for using the wheats and other grains from the harvest of the summer. The quick-to-fix and delicious “Five Minute A Day” bread will also be demonstrated. This amazing technique produces a chewy, flavorful product, simple enough for even the most intimidated bakers to make. Harvest Breads will be held Saturday, Oct. 24, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at 631 Alder Street in Myrtle Point. Cost is $10 and a luncheon of soups and bread samples will be served. The final workshop of the season, Handmade Holidays, will be held Nov. 7. To sign up for either workshop call Samantha at OSU Extension Service at 541-572-5263, ext. 25292.