OPRD release – The Oregon Heritage Commission is offering grants for qualified projects for the conservation, development, and interpretation of Oregon’s cultural heritage. Awards typically range between $3,000 and $20,000. Projects can include anything related to Oregon heritage, and priority will be given to projects that preserve, develop or interpret threatened heritage resources or heritage resources of statewide significance. The grant application deadline is October 12, 2023. Projects funded by the Oregon Heritage Grant may include collections preservation and access, exhibits, oral history projects, public education events, organizational archives projects, films theatrical performances, teaching traditional practices, public history interpretation, organizational planning that supports heritage resources, and more. Previously funded projects included a variety of projects around the state. “We hope to see projects from a variety of types of organizations that engage Oregonians in heritage, not just traditional heritage organizations,” states Katie Henry, Oregon Heritage Commission coordinator. “We encourage the documentation, preservation, and exploration of all aspects and perspectives of Oregon’s story.” Applications are submitted online. There is plenty of support for preparing them. “Our goal is to support organizations of all sizes all over the state in their valuable work. We provide assistance in the application process,” notes Kuri Gill, grants and outreach coordinator. Oregon Heritage grants programs staff is happy to discuss projects and review applications in advance in addition to assisting with the online application system and providing translation services on request. Registration is required for a free online workshop, Monday, August 28, 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. which addresses the application questions and explores the online application system. A recording will be available for two weeks following the workshop with registration. The grant directly supports the four Oregon Heritage Plan goals: Include More Voices: Expand the narrative of history told and preserved in the state to capture previously excluded or marginalized voices for a more complex and accurate depiction of Oregon’s historical events. Increase Access to Heritage: Strive to engage more community members and visitors in local heritage by increasing awareness of resources and making them available to diverse audiences and potential stakeholders. Promote the Value of Heritage: Share the economic, cultural, and educational value of heritage with the public and decision makers to inspire awareness, funding, and respect for long-term preservation of Oregon’s heritage. Pursue Best Practices: Pursue professional standards and best practices related to heritage processes, standards, and organizational management to ensure healthy, sustainable heritage organizations. The Oregon Heritage Commission is comprised of nine people representing Oregon’s heritage and geographical diversity who have been appointed by the Governor. There are nine advisory representatives from state agencies and statewide organizations. The commission’s mission is to secure, sustain, and enhance Oregon’s heritage by ensuring coordination of heritage initiatives by public and private organizations; advocacy on its behalf; education of the public about its extent and value; and promotion and celebration of its diversity. To learn more about the grants or for translation assistance, visit www.oregonheritage.org or contact Kuri Gill at Kuri.Gill@oregon.gov or 503-986-0685.