Hikers Urged to Take Precautions when Foraging for Mushrooms, Nov. 7

Oregon is known for its bounty of fall mushrooms, but foraging for them can become dangerous if you’re not prepared. Every fall, hikers get lost hunting for mushrooms. The Oregon Parks and Recreation Department advises fall hikers to take the following precautions: *Use a map to plan your trip and familiarize yourself with the area in advance. *Inform someone of where you’re going and when you plan to return. *Hike with a companion. *Carry and drink plenty of water. *Wind and rain storms are common in the fall and winter. Dress in layers, avoid cotton and carry quality rain gear. Don’t go hiking if a storm is forecasted, and turn back in bad weather. *Carry a map and compass, and know how to use them. *Also carry with you these essential items: flashlight, matches, first aid kit, whistle, plastic garbage bag and pocket knife. *Consider joining a guided mushroom hike. Fort Stevens State Park is hosting two this month: Nov. 10 and 30 at 1 p.m., led by Park Ranger Dane Osis. Information: 503-861-3170 or email dane.osis@oregon.gov.