The City of Coos Bay has received a $15,000 Certified Local Government “Pass-Through” Grant from the State Historic Preservation Office to assist property owners of historic structures with needed preservation. The “Pass-Through Grant” is financed with Federal funds from the National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior; however, the contents and opinions of the grant do not necessarily reflect the United States Department of the Interior views or policies nor endorsement by mention of trade names or commercial products. The funds are available to property owners of structures listed on the “Local Historic Registry” and the “National Register of Historic Places” to make exterior rehabilitation or preservation improvements. The work shall be located on the primary facade of the structure or on a facade that is highly visible to the public. Structural improvements to preserve the integrity of the structure may also qualify. Upon award, a project may receive 50% of the project cost up to a maximum of $15,000 in grant funds, whichever is the lesser amount. Complete grant applications must be submitted to the City of Coos Bay to Debbie Erler at or by phone at 541.269.1181 X 2259 no later than October 24, 2022, at 5:00 p.m. The City’s Historic Preservation Committee will review submitted applications in November 2022, and make a recommendation to City Council, who will award the grant(s) upon verification that the proposed project complies with the guidelines outlined in the application. The approved project must be completed no later than August 10, 2023. The application and grant guidelines are available at the City of Coos Bay, Public Works and Community Development Department, 500 Central Avenue, Coos Bay, Oregon 97420; On the city’s web site at; or by email and from Debbie Erler at or by phone at 541.269.1181 X 2259.