Oregon Health Authority is releasing the Oregon HOSCAP COVID-19 Review: April 2020-2021, which covers the first year of reporting hospitalizations of patients who either tested positive or were suspected to have COVID-19. The Oregon Hospital Capacity Web System (HOSCAP), which predates COVID-19, has been used throughout the pandemic by hospitals, health systems and state health authorities for health planning and responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. The report, published Monday, has several findings: COVID-19-positive hospitalizations peaked in summer 2020, followed by a larger fall peak. Hospitalized patients testing positive for COVID-19 surged again in spring 2021, as patients with suspected COVID-19 continued to decline. Though trends varied between regions, bed capacity constraints were widespread. In the fall and summer 2020 surges, COVID-19-positive hospitalizations initially peaked approximately two weeks after COVID-19 cases. Hospital capacity data is published Monday through Friday on OHA’s COVID-19 data dashboards.