GLIDE, Ore. – A Glide teen located human remains in the forest south east of Glide last week. On Thursday, February 16, 2023, the Sheriff’s Office was notified by a caller that his son, who had been antler shed hunting, located what were believed to be human remains in the Thunder Mountain area of Glide. Deputies located the area described and confirmed the presence of skeletal human remains. The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office Investigations Division and Medical Examiner were notified and have been investigating the death since the discovery. Investigators have withheld a public statement about the discovery to collect evidence at the location, conduct follow up and to protect the integrity of the investigation. Working in partnership with the Oregon State Medical Examiner’s Office, positive identification of the remains is currently being conducted. Anyone with information as to who the remains may belong to is strongly urged to contact the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office at (541) 440-4471 referencing Case #23-0618.