Hunter’s Check List Should Include Fire Prevention, Sept. 29

Fall is in the air and rifle season is just around the corner. There are a lot of things to do before your hunt, including: checking this year’s hunting synopsis for rule changes, buying a license and tag, sighting in your rifle, choosing your hunt location, scouting your hunt area and gathering all your gear. Another thing to check off your list is knowing the fire danger and the closures that are in effect for your hunting area. So what fire restrictions will be in place at the start of hunting season? Well that depends on the weather between now and opening day on October 3rd. On a typical year, fire season ends around the middle of October but this year has not been typical and as always the weather will determine the end of fire season. Rifle season, on lands protected by Coos Forest Protective Association (CFPA), will most likely start with Fire Season and the current public use restrictions still in effect, but you can check the closures at or call a CFPA office for local information. The Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) website has statewide closure information on lands they protect. If you plan to hunt on US Forest Service lands you will need to contact the local Ranger District for their restrictions. If indeed it is still Fire Season, the use of exploding targets or tracer ammunition is prohibited. The number of shooting-caused fires has been on the rise throughout Oregon and the Nation in recent years. The National Shooting Sports Foundation also advises against the use of steel-jacked ammunition or ammunition with a steel core as they are also more likely to start a fire. The public use restrictions in the Regulated Use Closure that are most likely to apply to hunters are: • No open fires, including campfires outside of a maintained campground that has a camp host. • No smoking outside of an enclosed vehicle. • Motor vehicles including ATVs are restricted to improved roads. • Motor vehicles off of State or County roads must carry a gallon of water or a 2½ pound fire extinguisher, shovel, axe or pulaski. ATVs need only the 2½ pound extinguisher. • Chainsaw use is restricted between 1:00 pm and 8:00 pm. A complete copy of the regulated use proclamation can be found on CFPA’s or ODF’s web sites. The recent rains have lowered fire danger, and some large landowners may be allowing walk-in access to their land. Be sure you know who the landowners of your hunting location are. You can check their use and access restrictions with them directly or the Oregon Department of Forestry, in conjunction with the Oregon Forest Industries Council, maintains a list of some of the larger landowner’s restrictions on the ODF website. CFPA and its members want to thank you for helping protect our forests from fire and wish you a productive, enjoyable and safe hunting season.