Hunters invited to share opinions on big game hunting via online forum, Feb. 7

SALEM, Ore.—ODFW wants to hear what resident big game hunters think about current hunting seasons in Oregon. Tell us what you think by commenting at through March 3, 2020.  For the last several years, ODFW has been working to review and improve big game hunting seasons and associated regulations. “This year we are planning on reviewing our primary deer and elk hunting seasons, which includes general archery and rifle (any legal weapon) seasons,” says Nick Myatt, the ODFW watershed manager leading the review for the agency. “Before we start developing proposed changes to 2021 hunting seasons, we want to collect input from Oregon resident hunters on what their current experiences are with these seasons, what changes they would like to see considered, and what other issues are important to them,” Myatt added. ODFW is working with Responsive Management, a survey research firm specializing in attitudes toward natural resource and outdoor recreation issues, to host the online forum and conduct additional research including surveys of hunters. While survey respondents will be randomly selected, all Oregon resident deer and elk hunters are encouraged to comment at; Information from this forum and the surveys will be used to inform proposed changes to the 2021 big game hunting seasons. Additional opportunities for public comment will be provided once proposed changes have been developed.