Lane Co. SO release – In late 2017, a ranger with the Bureau of Land Management contacted a teenage juvenile at an illegal camp near Sharps Creek, Cottage Grove. The juvenile told the ranger she had been living there with an adult male for months. The camp was in disarray. Concerned for her well-being, the ranger contacted the Department of Human Services. DHS had an open case involving the juvenile. She was taken into DHS custody and placed with her mother. Due to the condition of the campsite, the adult male, Lucas Anthony Lloyd, was arrested and lodged at the Lane County Jail for Littering within 100 Yards of a Waterway. Detectives with the Lane County Sheriff’s Office began investigating. The juvenile was interviewed by the Kids FIRST Children’s Advocacy Center. Although she appeared uncomfortable and tested positive for methamphetamine, she did not disclose any abuse. Two years later, in 2019, she opened up to a counselor and disclosed that Lloyd had sexually abused her repetitively. Lloyd was then in custody with the Idaho Department of Corrections for taking the juvenile from another state to Oregon, violating his custody agreement. LCSO detectives interviewed Lloyd with assistance from the Idaho Department of Corrections. During the interview, Lloyd admitted to having sex with the juvenile. The case could not be prosecuted, however, as the juvenile had not provided a statement to law enforcement. Detectives continued following up on the case while Lloyd was still in prison. In 2022, the juvenile advised she was ready to talk. She gave detectives a detailed account of how Lloyd sexually abused her and regularly provided her with methamphetamine in the Cottage Grove area. The case was presented to a Grand Jury and Lloyd was indicted. Lloyd finished his 60-month Idaho prison sentence and was immediately transported to the Lane County Jail. On February 26, 2024, Lloyd pled guilty to one count of Rape in the First Degree, one count of Sodomy in the First Degree, one count of Unlawful Delivery of Methamphetamine, and one count of Criminal Mistreatment in the First Degree. Lloyd was sentenced to 20 years in the Oregon Department of Corrections. The Lane County Sheriff’s Office would like to the thank the many law enforcement officers and partner agencies that assisted with this case, all of whom came together to find justice for the victim.