On 10-17-2022 Detectives from the Lane County Sheriff’s Office and Oregon State Police were contacted by OLCC inspectors regarding an illegal butane hash oil (BHO) extraction lab on property in the 83700blk of Raintree St. near Pleasant Hill. OLCC had responded to the location for a site inspection of a permitted growing operation and noted the BHO lab, as well as marijuana and products outside of the permitted site. Detectives from LCSO and OSP responded to the location and contacted the owner/permittee. Investigators applied for and were granted a search warrant executed by detectives and DEA personnel. Two labs were located on the property. One inside the residential garage and another was under a covered section outside the garage. The indoor lab was active and butane vapor was actively venting from a vessel inside the garage. This odorless vapor is highly volatile and creates a substantial danger of fire and explosion. The garage and residence were evacuated and guarded overnight to allow the butane in the air to dissipate. Members of OSP and DEA clandestine lab teams arrived the morning of 10-18-2022 and rendered the illegal labs safe. LCSO seized portions of the lab equipment. Hundreds of pounds of marijuana in various states of processing, including 533 plants, were destroyed and commercial amounts of BHO, firearms and currency were seized. LCSO and OSP were assisted on scene by the DEA, Douglas County Interagency Team (DINT), and Pleasant Hill / Goshen Fire department. The case will be referred to the Lane County District Attorney’s Office for charges. Lane County Code Compliance and the State Watermaster will follow up on numerous violations found at the site.