On June 8, 2022, the Oregon State Police Southwest Region Drug Enforcement Section team served an illegal marijuana search warrant in the 13000 block of Hwy 62, Eagle Point, Jackson County. As a result, 5,038 illegal marijuana plants contained in eighteen greenhouses were seized. Five individuals were detained, identified, interviewed, and released. The property had been leased for the sole purpose of illegal marijuana cultivation. Jackson County Code Enforcement also responded to the property for multiple code violations. A total of $58,000.00 dollars in fines were levied related to unapproved greenhouse structures, solid waste, and unpermitted electrical installations. The investigation is ongoing. The OSP SWR DES team was assisted by the Illegal Marijuana Enforcement Team (IMET) of the Medford Police Department and Jackson County Sheriff’s Office, as well as Homeland Security Investigations (HSI).