Industrial Fire Restrictions Increase in Coos & Curry counties, July 21

Increased fire danger on forestlands has prompted Coos Forest Protective Association to increase the fire prevention measures on industrial operations.  Industrial Fire Precaution Level II (two) takes effect Monday, July 21, on all lands protected by CFPA within Regulated Use Zones CS-2, CS-4, CS-5, SK-1 and SK-2.  Industrial operators can check their operating permit to determine the zone that they are working in.  IFPL II, or “partial hootowl”, prohibits blasting, welding and cable yarding from 1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.  The use of power saws is also prohibited between these hours, except at loading sites.  A fire watch of three hours is also required. For further information on fire danger levels and closures, contact the CFPA 24-hour closure information line at (541) 267-1789 or access CFPA’s website at