Industrial Restrictions Increase, Aug. 17

Continued drying and increasing fire danger conditions have prompted Coos Forest Protective Association (CFPA) to impose a Level II (2) industrial closure in zone CS-1 and a Level III (3) industrial closure in zones CS-2, CS-4, and SK-1 for all lands protected by CFPA. The closure will take effect at 12:01 AM, August 15, 2020. The Level II (Limited Shutdown) industrial closure allows the following to operate only between the hours of 8 P.M. and 1 P.M.: · Power saws, except at loading sites; · Feller-bunchers with rotary head saws; · Cable yarding; · Blasting; · Welding, cutting, or grinding of metal. The Level III (Restricted Shutdown) industrial closure prohibits cable yarding (except that gravity operated logging systems employing non-motorized carriages or approved motorized carriages may operate between 8 p.m. and 1 p.m. when all blocks and moving lines are suspended 10 feet above the ground, except the line between the carriage and the chokers and during rigging). The following are permitted between 8p.m. and 1p.m. where mechanized equipment capable of constructing fireline is immediately available to quickly reach and effectively attack a fire start: · Ground-based operations; · Power saws on ground-based operations; · Rotary head saw feller-bunchers with a continuous Firewatch; · Non-rotary head saw feller-bunchers; · Tethered logging systems. The following are permitted to operate between 8 p.m. and 1 p.m. in a Level III: · Power saws at loading sites; · Loading and hauling of any product or material; · Blasting; · Welding cutting or grinding of metal; · Any other spark emitting operation not specifically mentioned. For more information on fire prevention restrictions you can find CFPA on the web at, call the closure line at 541-267-1789 or follow us on Facebook and Twitter.