Information from Friday’s media briefing, June 28

Friday morning, Governor Kate Brown and OHA Director Patrick Allen provided an update on the latest milestone reached in Oregon’s COVID-19 response. Governor Brown today signed a recovery-focused executive order lifting all remaining COVID-19 health and safety restrictions issued under Oregon’s emergency statutes. Restrictions will be lifted when Oregon achieves a 70% first dose adult vaccination rate or on Wednesday, June 30, whichever occurs soonest. Director Allen provided an update on vaccinations in Oregon and described how COVID-19 will be managed after June 30. Now that more than 69% of Oregon adults have received at least one vaccination, Oregon will continue to work toward vaccinating eight in 10 adults, particularly in hard-hit communities of color. Allen also highlighted that Oregon data show that more than nine in 10 COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations occur among people who are not vaccinated at all or are not fully vaccinated.