At 1:00 pm on Saturday, July 6, gardener Rowan Keltz returns to the North Bend Public Library to present a talk on integrated pest management. IPM is an ecosystem-based strategy, focusing on long-term prevention of pests (or their damage) using a combination of techniques: biological control, habitat manipulation, modification of cultural practices, and use of resistant varieties.  IPM emphasizes growing healthy plants with the least possible disruption to ecosystems and encourages natural pest control mechanisms. Rowan Keltz earned her master’s degree from the John T. Lyle Center for Regenerative Studies, studying ecosystems and land management methods utilized around the world and throughout human history. Rowan has been gardening for over sixty years and has created many different styles of gardens. As a member of the Coquille Valley Seed Community, Rowan taps into a wealth of local resources for growing at the Coast, including people, seeds, soils, and gardening tips. She happily shares plant starts, seeds and stories and her diverse knowledge with the community. Rowan also writes a garden column for The Sentinel. Currently Rowan is creating a new garden in Coos Bay to showcase her large collection of ornamental trees, shrubs and plants, a home orchard and a food security haven.

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