Two Bay Area men took on the challenge of an Ironman Triathlon at Sacrament, CA, Oct. 23. The event included: A 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride & a 26.2 mile run. Former CBPD Sgt. Robert Lounsbury, a veteran of triathlons, coached both MHS teacher Doug Miles and CBPD Capt. Mike Shaffer in preparing year-long for the event. The two had competed in other triathlons previously and one Ironman. Results: Doug Miles finished in 13 hours, 31 minutes, 37 seconds; 151st out of 372 Males 50-54; 917th out of 1,994 by Gender; 1,072 out of 2,60 Overall. Mike Shaffer finished in 15 hours, 38 minutes, 13 seconds; 267th out of 325 Males 45-49; 1,634th out of 1,994 by Gender, 2,049th out of 2,609 Overall. According to their coach, “The biggest challenge was the wind on the bike ride. The air temp during the day was in the 70’s.”