Isaac Patterson Bridge, June 29

When lit, it gives an illusion that it is totally built with stones. The Governor Isaac Patterson Bridge (1932), over the Rogue River at Gold Beach, is one of the bridges designed and engineered by the legendary Oregon Coast bridge builder Conde B. McCullough. His bridges can be seen not only at Gold Beach, but over the Coos Bay Channel, Umpqua River, Siuslaw River, Cape Creek, Big Creek, Tenmile Creek, Alsea River (before it was replaced), Yaquina Bay, Depoe Bay, and Old Youngs Bay Bridge at Astoria. Twenty-one bridges in all, showing that McCullough distinct style of arch-stress control. The Governor Patterson Bridge has seven arches. In 2003, the Oregon Department of Transportation adopted a new policy regarding bridge lighting. Basically, if a community wants a bridge lit, it has to foot the cost. Bridge lights along the Coast slowly dimmed away. However, at Gold Beach, a re-lighting idea gained momentum led by the employees at Freeman Marine Equipment who raised $5,000 towards re-lighting the bridge. Company management matched their funds. A community celebration is being planned for September to re-light the bridge.