Japanese Advanced Manufacturing Execs visit Oregon, June 4

Business Oregon leads top executives from 14 Japanese advanced manufacturing firms on a brief tour later this week, meeting with Oregon business leaders and learning firsthand of the state’s strengths as a business and investment location.  The three-day tour of both large and small manufacturers and technology companies came about as a direct result of five-years-worth of relationship building which occurred during several trips to Japan by Business Oregon and the Governor’s office. During these business development missions, Business Oregon hosted numerous “Doing Business in Oregon” seminars for dozens of Japanese firms and their top officials to encourage them to consider possible direct investment and/or expansion here in Oregon.  This week, in partnership with Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, the leading Japanese daily technology and manufacturing newspaper, Business Oregon will host some of those Japanese executives here in Oregon.  “We are very excited to show our friends from Japan how attractive and competitive our state’s business environment is for foreign direct investment,” said Business Oregon Director Sean Robbins. “The team at Business Oregon has developed good relationships with dozens of leading Japanese firms and we are hopeful that their visit here this week will lead to future investment and, ultimately, jobs and prosperity for Oregonians.”  Business Oregon Recruitment Officer Colin Sears will host activities for the visiting executives including tours of successful global companies’ manufacturing operations and headquarters campus tours. There will also be a seminar with information on Oregon’s business climate, key industries and tax structure as well as evening receptions and events with local business and economic development leaders.  The majority of the companies will be represented by a top-level, senior executive and come from advanced manufacturing industries such as metals processing, chemicals and plastic materials. Many regional partners came together to make the event happen, including PDC, Greater Portland Inc, PGE, Port of Portland, Metro, Mackenzie, CBRE, InSpec Group, Majestic Realty, Lane Powell PC, Perkins & Co., SEDCOR, Clackamas County and the cities of Hillsboro, Gresham and Beaverton.