Job Assist Computer Lab, Dec. 12

Coos Bay Public Library is offering a monthly JOB ASSIST COMPUTER LAB. Lab will be held on Friday, December 12th from 12:00-2:00 p.m. at the Coos Bay Public Library in the Myrtlewood Room. Looking for work? Filing unemployment? Need access to computer software for creating resumes & cover letters? Want assistance filling out an online application? Need technical support for anything work related? Come on down! Admittance is first-come, first-served due to limited number of computers (users are welcome to bring their own laptops). Workshop is intended for job seekers who need access to technologies related to work. There will be no formal lecture but staff will be available if you need assistance, run into problems, or have questions. Prerequisite: You must be doing something work related. This is a FREE workshop! Please call 269-1101 or go to for further information on this program.