Jobless Rates in Oregon, Oct. 27

September 2022 Employment and Unemployment in Oregon’s Counties – Oregon Employment Dept. report – In September, unemployment rates increased in 35 of Oregon’s 36 counties over the month, and the rate remained flat in Wasco County. Fifteen counties had unemployment rates at or below the statewide unemployment rate of 3.8% in September, and seven counties had rates below the U.S. rate of 3.5%. Grant County had Oregon’s highest seasonally adjusted unemployment rate (5.8%) in September. Other counties with relatively high unemployment rates were Klamath (5.5%), Curry (5.2%), and Josephine (5.2%). Wheeler County registered the lowest unemployment rate (2.9%) in September. Other counties with some of the lowest unemployment rates in September included Sherman (3.0%), Washington (3.0%), Benton (3.1%), and Hood River (3.1%). Coos Co. – Sept. 2022 rate: 5.1%; August 2022 rate: 4.8%; Sept. 2021 rate: 5.5%. Curry Co. – Sept. 2022 rate: 5.2%; August 2022 rate: 4.9% Sept. 2021 rate: 6.1%.