Jobs on the South Coast, March 30

Oregon Employment Dept. release – Coos County total payroll employment rose by 270 jobs in February. Most of the increase was due to a seasonally typical gain of 250 jobs in local government education. Other industries adding jobs were professional and business services (+40) and leisure and hospitality (+30). A few industries posted small declines including retail trade (-20) and food manufacturing (-20). Coos County payroll employment rose by 350 jobs over the past year. Gains were posted in professional and business services (+100); transportation, warehousing, and utilities (+50); and leisure and hospitality (+40). Industries with estimated job losses over the year were construction (-90), retail trade (-30), other services (-20), and mining and logging (-20). Government employment climbed by 260 jobs with gains in local government excluding education and tribal (+150) and Indian tribal (+90). Curry County payroll employment gained 60 jobs in February. Construction had the largest increase, up by 20 jobs. Small gains in service-related industries accounted for the other jobs added. Over the past year, Curry County payroll employment was unchanged. Losses were estimated in leisure and hospitality (-70), financial activities (-30), and manufacturing (-20). A few industries added jobs since February 2022 including other services (+40), retail trade (+30), and health care (+30).