The North Bend City Council and Urban Renewal Agency (URA) will meet in a joint work session on Monday, November 07, 2022, 4:30 PM, City Hall Council Chambers. Agenda: Call to Order; Executive Session – City Council: The North Bend City Council will now meet in Executive Session Pursuant to: To consider information or records that are exempt from disclosure by law, including written advice from your attorney – ORS 192.660(2)(f); To conduct deliberations with persons you have designated to negotiate real property transactions – 192.660(2)(e). No decision may be made in executive session. Review of the City Council Agenda for November 8, 2022; Review of North Bend Urban Renewal Agency Agenda for November 8, 2022; Public Comments; Thank you for participating in public comment this evening. The public comment period is an essential part of local government meetings. Each person has three minutes to speak. Our governing body takes the input into consideration. However, in observance of Oregon open meeting laws, this isn’t the time for dialogue, but rather a time for us to listen to you. Our City Administrator and City Recorder are taking notes of action, if needed. Adjournment.

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