Jordan Cove, May 2

Supporters of the Jordan Cove Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) export terminal proposed for the North Spit of Coos Bay have been bolstered that their project may now go through with the Trump Administration is in place.  The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has the final say, but Trump officials have openly stated their goal of locating an LNG export terminal in the Pacific Northwest.  On Monday, May 1st, the company behind Jordan Cove, Canada’s Veresen Inc., entered an agreement to sell the Jordan Cove project to Pembina Pipeline Corp. of Calgary, Canada.  The $7.1 billion deal reportedly brings greater assets to the project.  In a joint statement, the two Canadian firms stated Jordan Cove is “the most advanced LNG export project on the West Coast.”  The project itself would reportedly cost $8 to $10 billion to build, employ up to 4,000 construction jobs and produce 240 permanent jobs.  Even though the project has to be approved by FERC, the State of Oregon also has issues that need to be address and approved through Coastal Zone Management and Water Quality permits.