The Museum of Natural and Cultural History will be at the North Bend Public Library on Saturday, July 13 at 2:00 PM for a “Journey Under the Sea.” Families with children are invited to explore Oregon’s underwater environments and discover the amazing variety of life that can be found in kelp forests or rugged, rocky reefs. During this interactive program, children will engage in activities and investigations that will inspire them to protect Oregon’s diverse ocean habitat. The “Journey Under the Sea” program is targeted for a family audience with elementary age children and is presented by a museum educator. The program includes a short and lively presentation (20-25 minutes) followed by activity tables offering a variety of fun, hands-on activities. The program is part of the Museum of Natural and Cultural History’s Summer Museum Outreach Program and is brought to the North Bend Public Library as part of their Summer Reading Program. For more information, please contact the North Bend library at (541) 756-0400 or at