July Jubilee Parade 2015, July 2

You’re invited to attend the July 18th, North Bend Jubilee Parade at 1:00 p.m. The North Bend July Jubilee Parade will be held on Saturday July 18th as part of the 2015 July Jubilee Celebration. The parade will start promptly at 1:00 p.m. Participants should form up between 11:30 a.m. and 12:00 noon. Judging will begin at noon. The parade route forms a rectangle starting at Monroe and Montana Avenue, then proceed east on Montana, south on Highway 101, west on Virginia, then north on Mead and return to the starting point. The best views will be from within the rectangle formed by the parade route. People wanting to park within the area of the parade should plan to be in place before 12:30 p.m. There are a number of youth groups, antique and military vehicles, fire engines, animals and other entries. First place ribbons are awarded for the best entry in each category, as well as best theme “Summer Dreams.” The Committee is inviting any interested community organizations, youth groups or business to sign up and participate. Registration forms are still available at the North Bend Information Center, or by contacting Tom Shine at 541-297-0086 or tpshine@yahoo.com