La Defensora del contribuyente insta a los residentes de Oregon a participar como voluntarios en las clínicas tributarias Secret…

Safe disposal of medications protects human health and the environment
Oregon Department of Transportation IT Project Announced as Finalist for a NASCIO State IT Recognition Award
Take action to prepare for flash floods, landslides and debris flows
Opportunities to expand trade in semiconductor, agriculture, and technology sectors
OR-Alert Contributors Awarded 2022 Innovation, Collaboration and Service Award by Oregon Emergency Management Association
The grant of $350,000 will help Oregon reduce waste, conserve energy and save money
Opportunities to expand exports, investment, tourism as unrestricted travel to Korea resumes
Chief Justice Walters to retire from Supreme Court bench
Judge Bloch to Retire from Multnomah County Bench
Practice Drop (or Lock), Cover and Hold On to reduce risk during an earthquake