OPRD release – SALEM, Ore—The Land and Water Conservation Fund grant program (LWCF) will accept applications for the 2023 grant cycle from Sept. 1 through Nov. 1. The LWCF is a federally funded reimbursement grant program that provides matching grants to state and local governments for land acquisition, development and rehabilitation for public outdoor recreation areas and facilities. Approximately $4 million in reimbursement funds are available for the 2023-24 cycle. Eligible applicants are cities, counties, metropolitan service districts, park and recreation districts, port districts, federally recognized tribal governments, and Oregon state agencies. An optional webinar is scheduled 9 -11 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 22, to provide information on the program and how to navigate the application process. Register for the live workshop at https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_CaLOxROkSsmFaAG1tu7ppw. A recording of the webinar will be posted on the LWCF web page after Aug. 22. Access to the LWCF application will be available online at oprdgrants.org when the grant cycle opens. New applicants must first request an account via the website before they are granted application access. The Land and Water Conservation Fund Program is funded through the National Park Service and administered by the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. Since 1964, this national grant program has awarded over $80 million in grant funds for Oregon recreational areas and facilities. Additional information about the LWCF program, including the grant manual, application instructions and program schedule, is available on the Land and Water Conservation Fund web page. For information, contact Nohemi Enciso at nohemi.enciso@oprd.oregon.gov or 503-480-9092.