OHA release – As the state enters the home stretch of reviewing member eligibility for Oregon Health Plan (OHP) and other state Medicaid programs, data through December show 85% of members (over a million people) are keeping their benefits. This gives Oregon the second-highest Medicaid renewal rate in the nation as the public health emergency unwinds. Since the renewal process began earlier this year, nearly 84% of OHP members have completed the process. Most of the remaining renewal letters were sent in January, but a group of over 100,000 renewals are being delayed until later in 2024. Everyone receiving OHP or other Medicaid-funded services and supports will receive, or has already received, a renewal notice explaining whether they need to provide additional information or take action to keep their coverage. Members losing OHP receive at least 60 days advance notice to explore other coverage options. To learn more about the Marketplace or other options, visit OregonHealthCare.gov or call 833-699-6850. If you’re 65 or older and losing OHP coverage and would like help understanding Medicare options, visit this webpage to learn more and connect with a counselor at the Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance Program (SHIBA), or call SHIBA at 800-722-4134.