With so many Coos and Curry County residents suffering from diabetes, heart disease and other illness, some may find it surprising to learn that food plays a major role in the development and the reversal of many of our chronic diseases. We’ve been told for years to reduce our saturated fat and cholesterol, cut back on sugars and avoid processed foods. Yet most Americans fail to see any health benefits from these recommendations. Hippocrates believed that food is our medicine and medicine is our food. Lifestyle medicine programs that teach us which foods work best to avoid chronic disease are available in our local regions. LEAP is a 30-day lifestyle medicine intervention program in Bandon that provides rationale and education for how to adopt a diet that has been shown to prevent, and in many cases, reverse chronic disease. Classes meet three evenings per week for 4 weeks and include a delicious meal, education sessions and interactive activities, all designed to help participants prepare and consume delicious and satisfying disease-fighting foods. LEAP is sponsored by OSU Extension and Southern Coos Hospital. Each participant will receive pre and post health screens including a lipid profile, blood sugars, blood pressure and body mass index, along with resources and recipes. Learners will be asked to contribute to the cooking, food demonstrations, book reports and video reviews to help inspire and facilitate permanent lifestyle improvements for themselves and other LEAP participants. Although the program is taught by a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, guest speakers will also join the discussions with expertise in fitness, food demonstrations, stress reduction and movement medicine. Classes begin June 1 and will meet Mon, Tue and Thu evenings from 6 to 9 pm at the Bandon Community Center. To learn more about LEAP, attend a free orientation session at the Bandon Library. You have until the last orientation on Sunday, May 24 to register. The cost is $185 which includes meals, laboratory fees, printed materials and pedometers. Orientations will meet on these dates: Thu, May 14, 6 to 7 pm; Mon, May 18, 12 to 1 pm; Wed, May 20, 4 to 5 pm; Sun, May 24, 3 to 4 pm. For more information, you may call the Coos County OSU Extension office at 541-572-5263 ext 25292 or contact the instructor, Stephanie.Polizzi@oregonstate.edu, 541-404-7982.