ODFW release – ROSEBURG, Ore – ODFW is offering a workshop in Roseburg for adults 18 or over who want to learn how to hunt big game. The $10 workshop is held at Sportsman’s Warehouse in Roseburg from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. and participants can choose to attend either July 14 or 15. Register online by July 11. Participants will learn the basics of big game hunting including hunting ethics, types of weapons and other equipment needed, and where and when various big game species can be hunted. New hunters will also learn about different licenses and tags needed, the preference point system, how the controlled hunt process works, and how to navigate the big game regulations. “More people are interested in hunting to harvest their own meat,” said Catherine Sandor-Korte, ODFW Outdoor Skills Coordinator. “This workshop will give those new hunters the information they need to succeed.”