ODFW release – SALEM, Ore.—Hunters who didn’t purchase or draw a deer or elk tag yet this year get the first chance at leftover tags for more than 60 deer and elk hunts when they go on sale on ODFW’s online licensing system on Saturday, July 1 at 10 a.m. PT. Find the list of leftover tags online and see a guide for how to purchase them. Opportunities include the statewide Oregon Youth Bow tag (200R) (allows bow hunting in all units except 54-58) and a few late bow elk hunts in Western Oregon that coincide with late bow deer season. Hunters who drew a controlled archery elk hunt may also be able to pick up the archery deer tag for that unit. Beginning July 2 at 10 a.m., the leftover tag sale opens to everyone and tags can be purchased both online and at license sale agents. While hunters are limited to one deer or elk tag each, they can exchange a tag they already purchased, or forfeit their controlled tag, for a leftover tag beginning July 2. Leftover tags are no longer available as an additional tag, a change enacted in 2020 to distribute hunting opportunities more equitably. (Exceptions are Premium Hunts and auction/raffle tags, which are in addition to regular deer and elk tags.) Hunters who purchased a SportPac can also choose to redeem their deer and/or elk tag vouchers for a leftover tag.