OPRD release – SALEM, Oregon – Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD) has formed a rule advisory committee to review proposed changes to Oregon administrative rules for the Local Government Grant and County Opportunity Grant programs within the department. The committee will meet virtually Wednesday, Aug. 17 to review and discuss proposed changes to program rules. The 1 p.m. meeting is open to the public and can be viewed at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkqL6iVPBrfCTO27cNmCTwg. The meeting agenda will include discussions on proposed changes to align community needs and program operations. The committee will also discuss any economic and fiscal impact of the proposed rules. Committee members, appointed by OPRD, include individuals from park and recreation districts, local governments, grant committees and partner organizations. After the committee review, the rule will be open for public comment this fall. More information about this rulemaking is available on the OPRD website: https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/PRP/Pages/PRP-rulemaking.aspx Individuals who require special accommodations to view the meetings should contact Katie Gauthier, at least three days in advance of a meeting, by calling (503) 510-9678.