GOLD BEACH, Ore. – Associated Oregon Loggers (AOL), along with many other local professionals and organizations, has arranged the first “Logger Day” event in Curry County. Fourth and fifth grade students from Port Orford, Gold Beach and Brookings will come learn about the jobs people do in the woods to get wood products to consumers, and everything in between. From seeing and touching a fully loaded log truck, to watching how a drone is used in the woods, kids will have the opportunity to speak with professionals that spend their lives ensuring our community can provide a sustainable supply of forest products for generations to come. The goal of the event is to introduce and reinforce the career opportunities available in the forest sector by sharing a little of what is out there in our own backyard. AOL Logger Day Website: For questions about this event or future events, contact Sara Nelson (Associated Oregon Loggers) at or 971.900.9615 WHEN: Thursday, October 27 from 9:30AM to 1:30PM in celebration of National Forest Products Week : 2. WHERE: Events Center on the Beach, Gold Beach, OR (AKA Gold Beach Fairgrounds) Indoors (industry professionals) and Outdoors (equipment and demos); 3. WHO: Sponsored by: Northwest Community Credit Union; Curry County Department of Economic Development; Presenters/Companies Involved: Oregon Women in Timber (OWIT); Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF); Never Give Up (NGU) Logging; USDA Forest Service; Coos Forest Protective Association (CFPA); Gold Beach Fire Department; Alpha Omega Trucking; Leatherneck Logging; JT & Sons; OSU Extension / 4H; Pacific Rim Logging; Zuber & Sons Logging; Rayonier Forest Resources; Associated Oregon Loggers (AOL).