The Oregon State Marine Board met on June 28, in Newport and approved 10 boating facility grant applications for the 2023-2025 biennium. The Board also approved updates for Boating Safety Education Programs, OAR 250-018-0010 to 250-018-110. The Board approved $1.5 million in motorized Boating Facility Grant funds and $561,482 in nonmotorized boating Waterway Access Grant funds for the following boating facility grant applications. The total boating investment by all parties is more than $5.8 million: Adventures Without Limits: For on-water programs, training, equipment, marketing, and outreach. Board approved $95,000 in Waterway Access Grant funds, combined with $230,080 in applicant match for a project total of $325,080. Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership: Big Canoe Paddle Access Project to include paddle safety training, education video production, and trip planning. The Board approved $39,632.80 in Waterway Access Grant funds, combined with $23,033.20 in applicant match for a project total of $62,666.00. City of Umatilla -submitted two applications: Permitting and environmental assessments for future marina improvements and Nugent Park facility improvements. The Board approved the Umatilla Marina application for $97,764.00 in Boating Facility Grant funds, $20,000 in Waterway Access Grant funds, $6,000 federal Boating Infrastructure Grant and $6,000 Clean Vessel Act Grant funds combined with $448,507.00 of applicant match for a project total of $578,271.00. The Board also approved funding for Nugent Park to replace the boat ramp, add boarding docks, expand boat trailer and single-car parking, improve staging areas and add lighting contingent upon permitting and replacement of the fishing dock. Staff recommended $415,828.20 in Boating Facility Grant funds, $50,000 in Waterway Access Grant funds, combined with $1,307,661.60 in applicant match, for a project total of $1,773,489.80. Port of Columbia County -submitted two applications: Scappoose Bay Marina Upland Project to create a new staging area in the upper parking lot with an air fill station, increased ADA parking, widening sidewalks, landscaping, paving, grading and restriping existing parking area. The Board approved $107,912.00 in Boating Facility Grant funds, $300,000 in Waterway Access Grant funds, combined with $407,912.00 in applicant match for a project cost of $815,825.00. The Board also approved dredging 77,000 cubic yards within Scappoose Bay to improve launching and retrieving and increase depths for boaters. $485,000 in Boating Facility Grant funds, combined with $1,455,000.00 for a project total of $1,940,000.00. Tualatin Riverkeepers: Equitable Access Project for on-water boating experiences and expanded community engagement. The Board approved $41,850 of Waterway Access Grant funds, combined with $38,500.00 in applicant match for a project total of $80,350. City of Coquille: Sturdivant Park Boat Ramp and Piling Replacement, with a 30-year expected useful life to this facility. The Board approved $480,600.00 in Boating Facility Grant funds, combined with $121,501.00 of applicant match for a project total of $530,101.00. City of Sutherlin: Ford’s Pond development into a small boat (electric motor only) and nonmotorized boating facility. This project would be completed in multiple phases. The first phase includes permitting. The Board approved $10,000.00 in Waterway Access Grant funds, combined with $10,000.00 in applicant match for the permitting costs. US Forest Service, Siuslaw National Forest: Sutton Boat Ramp Replacement and Boarding Docks. The Board approved $449.496.43 in Boating Facility Grant funds combined with $149,832.14 in applicant match for a project total of $599,328.57. On another agenda item, the Board approved modernizing language for a suite of rules encapsulating Mandatory Boating Safety Education Programs. Some of the proposed changes include removing the exemption to possess a mandatory boating safety education card for competitive event participants, improving accountability for boat rental businesses and renters to complete a watercraft safety checklist, and streamlining the boater education card appearance by removing dynamic characteristics of the cardholder deemed unnecessary for compliance, along with other rule updates. The agency will solicit public feedback on the proposed rules in July and August. Materials are available with extensive detail on boating facility grant applications, agency updates, and rationale for updating rule language.